Rushing through life we often forget about the other man and of possibilities to support each other in everyday difficult moments, as well as in real tragedies, even of global scale. Our yerba mate brand – El Pajaro – tries to respond to this and propose to all our customers direct and simple way to engage in helping society. That’s why we began cooperating with PHA, that is Polish Humanitarian Action. Find out more about it!
About PHA activity
This organisation has functioned in Poland from as early as 1992, as a non-governmental organisation. It is supported by countless donors, entrepreneurs, volunteers and well-wishers. Polish Humanitarian Action aims at providing aid where human rights are violated, where armed conflicts or natural disasters take place. The support is impartial and directed at suffering civilian population of the world – since PHA provides its care not only to Poland but also to other countries. PHA also carries out successful social campaigns, of which the best know is Pajacyk. Thanks to it thousands of malnourished children at Polish schools could count on a warm meal every day. And this is but one of many examples of help provided by Polish Humanitarian Action!
Yerba Mate El Pajaro and PHA – how does it work?
It’s very simple! Every time you buy our yerba – you support Polish Humanitarian Action. You gain organic, intense in action and taste drought of classic yerba mate, while PHA can develop and help communities in need without worrying about its financial stability or means for this noble purpose. Yerba Mate El Pajaro reminds thus about one of the oldest values of drinking the Green Indian Gold – that it is the so called Friendship Infusion. It reinforces human relationships and arouses respect as well as empathy towards others. Drinking El Pajaro you can make your contribution to spreading peace, health and prosperity in the world.